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cAcB cCcD cEcF cGcH cIcJ cKcL cMcN cOcP cQcR cScT cUcV cWcX cYcZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
calf 31
SHREE GITA +cow & calf 31
SHREERAM DOODH +cow & calf 29
SOKHAL +cow & calf 31
STERLING AGRO +cow & calf 29
SUMANT brand +cow & calf 31
SWASTH PARHARI +cow & calf 29
TARA +star cow & calf 29
V CALFOS VET +cow & calf 35
VASUDHARA +woman cow & calf 29
VATSALYA doodh +cow & calf 29
VIOLA'S MILINO +cow & calf 30
cow & calf 22, 24, 30
COW & CALVES +cow & calfs 30
DUMBOW calgum 30
kisan KA TRACTOR lime cali 19
CORSA vimal caliber 24
SUSHMA calibration +arrows 42
C calicon +ovals 25
california ANGELS 25
california BURGER 29
california CLOSETS 20, 37, 42
california FACTORY OUTLET 25
california FITNESS +tree 28
california GARDEN +oval 29
california cables +bird 6
california confectionery 30
california cooler 33
california pink 19
90210 california 25
BYER california 25
C & C california 3, 14, 18, 25
CLUB california 42
FERRARI california 9, 25
HOLLISTER california +bird 3
ORIENT california 11
SHAHI california almonds 29, 31
SUNROSE california dates 29
SURF CO california 18, 25
SURFCO california +circle 18, 25
call 42
C call plus +square 9
INDIAONE call services 9
INFINITY call tech 41
JC just call +flower circle 35
JUST call +arc 9
MODI CONNECT-complete call 9, 16
NTL call taxi +arcs 39
RELIANCE call free 38
RELIANCE call manager 9, 16, 38
RELIANCE easy call 9
RELIANCE global call 9, 16, 38
RELIANCE india call 9, 38, 41
RELIANCE net call 41
RELIANCE std call 16, 38, 41
RELIANCE world call 16, 38, 41
RR ZEE BOOM BAA call taxi 39
VABT call center training 41
by call 32
e-call centre 9
easy call 9
india ONE call services 9
trunk call 5
you call +arcs 16
good you called AIRTEL 9
RELIANCE caller tunes 9, 38, 41
callfree AIR TIME 9
callfree AIRTIME 9
RELIANCE callfree 9, 16
calligraphy 16
calling 9
calling 44
calling 9
india calling customer firs 35
VISHNU callmarx gold 16
RELIANCE unlimited calls 9, 38
WEIKFIELD free calls 9
calm SPAS 5
SPASMO-calm 5
AMERAVITE calmin 5
CKW;-calorie 30
HALF SPOON low calorie suga 30
KEN'S calories 42
SANS calories 29
OVEN fresh calory 30
calyx 3
cambridge +triangle & squar 5, 9, 16, 29, 30, 32, 41, 42
cambridge WEIGHT PLAN 5, 9, 16, 29, 30, 32, 41, 44
cambridge learning 9, 16, 41
CC cambridge college +book 16
JGI JAIN HERITAGE cambridge 41
THE cambridge DIET +triangl 5, 9, 16, 30, 32, 41, 44
c cambridge council +shield 41
the cambridge school 16
camel 2, 16, 18, 24, 25, 29, 30, 34, 39
camel & circle 30, 31, 43
camel & man 25
camel & square 1, 19
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